
The algorithms provided in this package interoperate with the rest of the world through callbacks. In particular, it allows a third party (e.g. a higher-level script, a user, a GUI, etc) to monitor the progress of the optimization and take proper actions.

Generally, a callback is an arbitrary function (or closure) that can be called in the following way:

callback(theta, t, n, v)
  • theta – The current solution.
  • t – The number of elapsed iterations.
  • n – The number of samples that have been used.
  • v – The objective value of the last item, which can be an objective evaluated on a single sample or the total objective value evaluated on the last batch of samples.

The package already provides some callbacks for simple use:


Simply print the optimization trace, including the number of iterations, and the average loss of the last iteration.

This is the default choice for most algorithms.


In addition to printing the optimization trace, it also computes and shows the deviation from a given oracle theta_g.

Note: gtcompare_trace is a high-level function, and gtcompare_trace(theta_g) produces a callback function.